Sunday, February 13, 2011

Painting Tools

These are the tools and their functions available on

1) Rectangle Select-  this tool is used to define a rectangle or square selection region.

Tools 1,3,5 are selection tools. These tools are basically responsible for selecting an area of the image for modification,deketion, copying or cropping. 
2) Move Selected Pixels- this tool is used to move pixels that are are selected as a result of using various selection tools.

This tools are moving tools. These will allow you to move,  rotate and scale a selection outline along with the pixels which have been selected. When this tool is active you will know because the blue highlight of the selection will not be drawn so that you can have a better colour accuracy.

3) Lasso Select- these tools may be used to draw a freeform selection region.

4) Move Selection- this tool is handy to move the selection without affecting the pixels which have been selected.
5) Ellipse Select- tis tool may be used to draw an eclipse or circle selection region.
6)Zoom- this tool may be used to in ( which can be done by left click), zoom out (right click) , or zoom the whole canvas around a particular region ( which can be done by drawing a rectangle).
7) Magic Wand- this tool is able to select areas of the active layer that are similar in colour.
8)Text Tool- this tool can be used for placing text on the image itself.
9)Paintbrush- this tool can be selected with default when you start and is also useful for drawing with freedom.
10) Eraser- this tool may be used to erase areas of an image ( it helps in setting the transperacy to 0 )
11) Pencil- this tools allows you to edit each active layer pixel by pixel.
12) Colour Picker- this tool can be used to pick up any colour from an active layer and set that as the current secondary or primary colour.
Pixel Tools (11 &  12)- the pencil can be used to draw 1- pixel at a time, or what is essentially a non- antialised freeform brush.
- The colour picker can be used to transfer the pixel from the current layer to the the mouse cursor's position to either the primary or the secondary colour.

13)Clone Stamp- this tool can be used for copying pixels of a region between layers, or within the same layer.

14)Recolour Tool- this can be used to substiute one colour with another.

  15)Paint Bucket- this tool maybe used for filling in areas with different or similar areas.

16)Line/ Curve Tool- this tool maybe used to draw straight and curved lines.

17)Rectangle -this tool is used to create rectangles and squares.

18) Rounded Rectangle- this tool can be used to create rounded rectangles and squares.

19) Ellipse- this tool can be used to create circles and ellipses.

20) Freeform Shape- this tool can be used to create a shap with a freeform outline.

21) Tolerance Slider- this tool affects other tools like Magic wand, the Recolour tool and the the Paint bucket operate.  This tool helps oraganise similar colours when these tools are in use. If this tool is set to 0%the colour selected will be considered. If this is set 100% then all the colours will be considered. So the default value s 50%.

22) Colour Display- this tool allows the user to see what colours are primary and what colours are secondary.It also gives short cut keys for reseting to black and white and helps swapping primary and secondary colours.

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