Working on Our Video

16th May 2011
Today we found out that during this term we would be asked to complete an assignment in which we are require to produce a video of the length 3-5 minutes. However the challenge of this task is to be able to complete it within a group of people. After hearing this it upset me quite a bit because there were roughly about 8 people I wanted to work with but after much discussion I reached the conclusion I would finally work with the people : 
Aishwarya Joshi 
Arusha Bhowmik & 
Srishti Jain 
Why? Because I felt that we together as a group would be able to efficiently establish  a good quality video with lots of great ideas and new incentives. But now once this was sorted we felt it was time that we began to brainstorm some ideas together, as well as thinking of some ideas as to what the purpose of our video would be. 

27th Of May 

You must be thinking why has Khawab made her most after such a long time ? Well the reason behind that is basically the fact that I have been so caught up in doing some of the theory work it was a bit hard to post up some ideas here. Well we have been brainstorming lately and just a few random ideas have popped into our heads so here are some of those crazy thoughts : 
  • Superhero's on a mission 
  • An interview 
  • A tour around the school 
  • What life would be like as another person?
  • A love story 
  • An exciting adventure- in which an item goes missing 
  • The kidnapping of a child 
Although these ideas of ours are quite absurd I thought it would be essential to provide you with some extra information on how we are coming along with our ideas for this video :)!

2nd of June 
Today after much discussion with my group ( Aishwarya, Arusha & Srishti ) we reached the conclusion that we would construct a video showing a comparison with the olden days as opposed to now. What I found really difficult about this activity was reaching a conclusion as to what we would do for this video. Today I found out how difficult and frustrating it can be working as a group because what person likes is what another my detest But anyway once we had overcome this adversity we began to brainstorm as to why we thought this idea is the most suitable ? We thought that this would be brilliant because with such an idea for a film we would be able to portray various camera angles such as ( mid shots, under shots , close ups etc ). Not only that but we would be able to acknowledge many transitions that would emphasize our ideas and enhance our video. 

After establishing this unique idea of the juxtaposition in the various times  we also thought of the various characters we would use to portray such an idea. Once we had discussed who would get which character we reached the conclusion that:
Arusha would be the father
Aishwarya would be the wife <- You must be confused as to what the roles of this various people would be but more details can be found on this on my other page which goes through the storyboard. 
Srishti would be the daughter
Khawab would be the boy.

We strongly felt that by establishing such celestial characters we would be able to present how life was like for such people in the time of our parents as opposed to our generation. We also felt that shooting would commence at my house on the Monday/Sunday of the long weekend. After much struggle I finally felt at peace after knowing that I was actually getting somewhere with this project!

10th June

Today we commenced with shooting at my place for our class project. . During this time me and Arusha were responsible for creating an atmosphere which best reflected a landscape of the olden times. On the other hand Aishwarya & Srishti were responsible for writing a good draft on the actual dialogues the characters said and any fine details for the storyboard.  We both thought the easiest, most effective and prestigious setting would be one of a dining table in which a family is sitting and eating. Through this we strongly felt we could communicate the tenacious character of the Father and his authority quite easily by placing him in the centre of the table. By depicting him in such a position our aim was to reflect how men once had that authority over women and how they had so much power. 
 Also through this we felt we could communicate how the mother and daughter are not really conisdered as "good" due to them being females as opposed to the manliness of the father . Although this is quite upsetting to see females were not considered of  equal standards in comparison to men back then, we still wanted to dearly communicate this harsh reality to our audience through our video. This way we would be able to challenge them and make them think about the injustice faced by women long ago.

Also to shoot these scenes we used a normal camera this is because the setting here was a dining table and therefore we needed something stable. Thus why used a normal camera because this could simply be attached to tripod and the camera wouldn't move as much.  

Here is a glimpse of our characters and how we dressed up, this is also a preview of the setting(s) we used for the assignment:

What did I learn from this task today ? 
Today's activity was quite enjoyable and I loved the fact that I personally got to learn about what its like working as a team. When we see movie's on screens it looks very simple to create such complex mechanism however it is truly today that I realised what a difficult task it is to do so. Taking shots again, getting actors to be serious, getting the setting right, making sure everyone knows what there doing is quite a challenging task as an individual let alone as a whole group. Today was quite frustrating but an extremely enjoyable experience! Especially cleaning up everything :D 

What was next ?
Now that we had finished shooting our scenes for what life was like in the olden days ( roughly a 5 minute long part ) we found it absolutely necessary to complete the other half as soon as possible. We decided that we should give each other a break for Saturday and Sunday and should instead commence the rest of the shooting at Srishti's place on Monday because the setting of her place would be quite excellent for a modern look as oppossed to my backyard. 

13th of June 
Today as recounted earlier the plan was to meet at Srishti's house and we did exactly that. We met up at her house and began shooting on the way our families live today. In this section we accounted for things like the attitude's of mothers ( how they are always frustrated because of the household work), how teenagers have lost their values and often dont give that respect to parents which they deserve and how fathers are always busy trying to make a living by working all the time. For this section I felt we didn't really take as much time as the last one because we got used to the whole experience of shooting. Our video for this second half was approximately the same length as the first one. But more details on these various scenes will be included on my other page :) This video taping however I want to add was done from a different camera. For these shots we used an iPhone 4 this is so we could get various shots and so that we could also move around freely. 
But now that everything was done all we had to do was edit this video and we decided this beforehand that Arusha and I would be responsible for editing the video whereas Aishwarya and Srishti would be held responsible for editing/finalising our storyboard and script. Now all that had to be done was for the videos to be delivered at school ! 

But before you are able to see any of this in our video I thought I would give you another glimpse of our characters in the second half, so here it goes:

15th  of June to 20th June
Today Me and Arusha began to edit our videos that we had recorded, during this time Aish & Srishti were responsible for recording the scripts as well as finalising the storyboard.
Here are somethings we used during as our editing tools:
1. Firstly we put the videos together :
2. Then we cropped some videos by deleting unecessary parts:
3. Then we put in some transitions in our video, which me and Arusha selected from the various ones available in MOVIE MAKER:
4. Then we added some music in some necessary parts. Here are the links to various songs I used
Also we added various sound effects such as door knocks, voice overs, sms ringtones, gunshots etc.  
5In between we also added some slides, an introduction and also some credits in the end.

6. Changing our first part of the Video into Black & White in order to emphasize the classical period and how life was like then. And heres a glimpse on how Arusha did it :)

 21st June
Instead of writing everyday some of the issues we encountered during editing I thought I would just recount all of them at the end today instead. Below me are some of the issues we encountered and how we ammended them: 

PROBLEM#1- Background disturbance in the introduction where the people are coming in.
 In the introduction of our video in which the three characters of the father, mother and daughter are first introduced we first had lots of disturbance due to the rain in the background. For me as an audience I felt this was quite annoying to see so after many group discussions we thought we could introduce the characters with some background music. Why?
a) It would make the video appear more smoother and not muffled.
b) It would enhance the production of our video and make it more entertaining for our audience.

So just incase your wondering how I did it? Simple through windows live movie maker like this:

I clicked video volume and simply blurred the original sound out then I:
Added the music I wanted to which was MOZART's music whose link you can find above ;)

PROBLEM#2- Wanting to change the background itself
 In our first part of the video the background was something we wanted to change to make the setting look more classical, thus adding more mood. However Sir told us that in order to do this we had to have some sort of blue paper in the background when shooting in order to modify it now. So this was a problem we we
are unable to solve but instead Arusha suggested that we could just add a black and white effect to the video. Why?
a) One it would enhance the setting, it will give it a more classical look and emphasise the olden ages.
b) It would also be a solution for our issue, so thats exactly what we did. And how did we do it ? Well thats explained in my previous post.

PROBLEM#3- Adding extra videos after already inserting and editing a few
Another issue we encountered during this process was the issue that me and Arusha had inserted half the videos of the second part first then edited them. But when we came to inserting the first half we realised that all the effects we had added were no longer in the "perfect" timing that we had them in.

But the only solution to this as suggested by Sir was that we had to arrange the timings for the effects all over again, although this was quite frustrating we still did it.

PROBLEM#4- Adding an introduction
Another mistake we made was that once we had edited the whole video we realised we still had to add an introduction and credits. Now it was okay when we added the credits because they were at the end but when we inserted the introduction the allignment of the effects was soon disturbed. And this time we couldnt rearrange all the effects like we had previously so instead what we did (with Sir's permission of course) was that in the introduction of our first video we inserted a transparent intro to our video so it overlaps. And here is a preview of how our introduction appears now :

27th of June
Just incase you are wondering as to why Khawab is posting her synopsis so late? Then my reason is simple, I have done this so late because now I can provide you with a more detailed synopsis and an accurate one on my video. So here it goes,


Families and society in our 21st Century have evolved to such an extent that we need to stop and think whether these advancements are really beneficial ? This movie commences with the protagonist Caroline having lunch with her family. The first half of the film concentrates on revealing how men back then imposed their ignorant decisions upon females who often did not have the right to go against the will of the man but instead had to accept the horrific path leading to freedom. This part of the movie reflects the extreme dangers of opposing restriction upon children. However this is juxtaposed to the second half of the film which forces the audience to realise how too much freedom in our society leads to the extremity of suffering. In this second half the protagonist Carol shorter for Caroline is a girl who is given too much freedom, far beyond her capacity.  This part of the film is in complete contrast as it portrays how society has changed in which the father is occupied in work, the mother in managing the home and teenagers in partying hard. The purpose of this film is to challenge the audience ranging from adults to children and make them realise the differences between the values in families now as opposed to then. Not only that but the purpose is also to communicate the dangers of freedom and restriction and how the way of essential living is to find that perfect balance.

 28th June
Tommorow we had to hand in our assignment as a finished product. Today I just did some final touch ups on my assignment but also faced a few issues. Aishwarya & Srishti hadn't yet typed up their diligent work. So I thought I would help them out and thats exactly what I did! I decided I would type up the script to lighten up there burden but at the same time we were also having some technical difficulties with Aishwarya not being able to email me the things, but eventually however we got there and it was atlast all done :)! 

Once again I would just like to clarify every individuals responsibility which they took upon themselves during this task: 
Aishwarya  & Srishti were responsible for the creating of the Storyboard and Dialogue
Arusha was responsible for editing the video itself
I was also a part of the editing and was also responsible for writing the SYNOPSIS. 

So now all you must be waiting for is to watch our video :)  

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