Planning our Project ( grant chart etc)

This has been uploaded to Sir's laptop because when we uploaded the powerpoint onto the website we were told, it was really blury. So a solution we found for this was to just uploaded it to Sirs laptop instead. 

This is our script which has been established by Srishti & Aish:
OLD segment

Scene 1

Father: be seated ladies.
Daughter: thank you father.

Scene 2

Father: So Elizabeth, what’s for lunch this afternoon? My stomach is oblivious for your food.
Father: Ah lovely. Let the food be served.
Daughter: So father how are the crops this season?
Father: lovely. How was your day so far?
Mum: I’ve heard the harvest has been going really badly lately. Is there something wrong with the cattle?
Father: It has been too rainy, for the past few weeks.
Mum: so the crops have been over watered have they?
Father: Yes.
Mum: my oh my what rough times we are going through. Its time like these we must be together as a family.
Father: Let us begin this afternoon with prayer.
Mum: Is there something you would like to share with us?
Daughter: Oh no mother absolutely not.
Mum: let us eat.
Father: I thank the lord for this beautiful lunch we have this day. Amen.
Daughter and Mum: amen.
Father: who is this imbecile at the door at this moment?
Daughter: No fathers don’t stress you. May I get it?
Father: Of course.

Scene 3

Frederick: Hello. I am Frederick, nice to meet you my dear.
Daughter: oh, welcome. Who are you may i ask?
Frederick: well, I am Frederick once again. Your father has called for your hand. Here are some flowers for the beautiful lady.
Daughter: Thank you.
Father: Ah Frederick, how nice of you to join us.
Frederick: Ah there’s your father. Shall we?
Daughter: Yes, after you sir.
Frederick: After you my lady…..Wait Caroline; let me get that for you.

Scene 4

Frederick: Hello Mr Brown, good afternoon.
Father: Good afternoon.
Frederick: But where is Mrs Brown today?
Father: Oh, she has stepped out to prepare your lunch.
Frederick: That’s fantastic, but Mister Brown I believe Caroline doesn’t know who I am. Is that….. true?
Father: Doesn’t she.
Daughter: Yes father, who is this young lad? I am unaware of him.
Father: His father and I have been companions since childhood. I have seen this boy grow into a handsome young man and I believe that he is more than capable for your hand in marriage. I would like this friendship to become a lawful relationship and you must accept this man as your husband. Is that understood?
Daughter: Yes father, but I have something to say. My heart belongs to another, I cannot marry him as my heart does not belong to him.
Father: Caroline you have brought shame upon this family. You must not oppose to my decision and do as I command.
Daughter: Yes father. I shall not live to see my marriage.
Frederick: I love you Caroline, how could you?
Daughter: I’m sorry Frederick, I don’t love you.
Father: Caroline, Caroline.
Frederick: Caroline, no wait. Mr Brown, I did not know she was in love.
Father: Caroline, come back here this instance.
Frederick: Why didn’t you tell me?
Father: I, I was unaw..
Frederick: You weren’t aware? How could you not be aware? As a father it is your responsibility to know.
Mother: Caroline. No, my daughter us dead and it is this man’s fault.
Frederick: Caroline is dead, but what about my food? Caroline how could you..?

Script: New Segment
Scene 1
Mum:  Caroline, dinner’s ready. C’mon.
Daughter: Alright mum.
Mum: Caroline your dad’s here.
Daughter: Whatever.
Mum: Caroline, come do the dishes for your mum please.
Daughter: No mum, do them yourself.
Mum: Now you listen to me young lady. I’ve has enough of you showing your attitude to me. You contribute absolutely nothing to our housework. I have to do everything.
Daughter: So what are you going to do?
Mum: sweetie you need to help your mum.
Daughter: why?
Mum: Because I’m your mum.
Daughter: You’re supposed to do the work you’re supposed to let the kid rest. You’re a mum.
Mum: You’re 16 year old right now young lady.
Daughter: so?
Mum: you’re supposed to contribute to doing some housework. Look at this you’re on Facebook again. Again?
Daughter: Because i want to be.
Mum: Yet again i catch you on it. And you’re going to come outside and have dinner with your family.
Daughter: Make me.
Scene 2:
Daughter: Gosh mum, i hate you.
Scene 3
Daughter:  Geez mum, i thought you said dinner was ready.
Mum: Well, it is I’m just setting the plates geez can’t you wait?
Daughter: Hurry up.      No i cant i have a party to go to.
Mum: You never told me about this party.
Daughter: you don’t need to know, I’m 16 mum. I can take care of myself.
Mum: You’re only 16 okay? You’re not....
Daughter: so?
Mum: You’re not old enough to make your own decisions young lady.
Daughter: 2 minutes ago, you were lecturing me about how old i was and how responsible i was because I’m 16.
Mum: well you could’ve at least had the decency to tell your mum that you’re going to a party.
Daughter: i am telling you.
Mum: what time are you coming back?
Daughter: i don’t know that’s not necessary for you to know.
Mum: yes it is.
Daughter: I’ll come back myself.
Mum: What if... what if there are drugs what if there’s alcohol at the party.
Daughter: what are you going to do?
Mum: You’re underage. You r not going to that party.
Daughter: Watch me.
Mum: No, you’re not going
Scene 4
Daughter: Screw this.
Mum: What’s wrong?
Daughter: I’m not eating it.
Mum: why?
Daughter: because.
Mum: Wait.
Daughter: Go get the door mum, God.
Boyfriend: What’s up?
Mum: um, who are you?
Boyfriend: uh, where’s Carole?
Mum: Who’s Carole? You mean Caroline?
Boyfriend: Carole, your daughter. We’re meant to go out tonight. Hey.
Mum: go out. You’re not going.
Boyfriend: Carole, what’s up? Are you ready?
Daughter: yes.
Boyfriend: I’m taking your daughter and that’s too bad.
Boyfriend: Yeah so?
Mum: what time are you? Is this that party?
Daughter: Yes mum.
Mum: so, what time are you going to be back by?
Daughter: you don’t need to know that.
Boyfriend: that’s right.
Mum: I need to know what time my daughter is going to come back.
Daughter: Mum I’ll be back by a normal time relaxes.
Mum: what do you mean by a normal time, before dark well it already is dark. You shouldn’t be going to parties this late.
Daughter:  I’ll be back before tomorrow morning, relax.
Boyfriend: cut it up ladies. I’m taking her. Cya, let’s go Carole.
Mum: wait, are there going to any drugs there?
Boyfriend: Not at all, don’t worry; I’m taking the responsibility of your daughter. Whispers- it’s all good, let’s go Carole.
Mum: take your phone with you.
Daughter: Yes mum.
Boyfriend: Cya mum.
Scene 5
Mum: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, its 3’oclock and she’s not here yet. She’s not here. I’m not worried. Oh my god she’s not here. She’s not here omg. Oh she’s on the floor Carole. Caroline Caroline oh.

Although I have posted my synopsis on the other blog I am posting it here once again so it is easier for you to find it .

Families and society in our 21st Century have evolved to such an extent that we need to stop and think whether these advancements are really beneficial ? This movie commences with the protagonist Caroline having lunch with her family. The first half of the film concentrates on revealing how men back then imposed their ignorant decisions upon females who often did not have the right to go against the will of the man but instead had to accept the horrific path leading to freedom. This part of the movie reflects the extreme dangers of opposing restriction upon children. However this is juxtaposed to the second half of the film which forces the audience to realise how too much freedom in our society leads to the extremity of suffering. In this second half the protagonist Carol shorter for Caroline is a girl who is given too much freedom, far beyond her capacity.  This part of the film is in complete contrast as it portrays how society has changed in which the father is occupied in work, the mother in managing the home and teenagers in partying hard. The purpose of this film is to challenge the audience ranging from adults to children and make them realise the differences between the values in families now as opposed to then. Not only that but the purpose is also to communicate the dangers of freedom and restriction and how the way of essential living is to find that perfect balance.

This is a GRANT CHART which I have personally established to precisely plan out what activities I will be completing on a personal level as well as on the basis of a group. As you can see I have also added an extra detail of the things I will be doing each week- so the actual names of the activities I will complete during each week. I have added such fine details in my work so I can make sure I am organised in the completion of this assignment rather than cramming all the work last minute. So here is my plan posted in three different pictures, i have done it in this manner so I can add more precise details in my work: