Friday, April 1, 2011

Paint v.s Inkscape

Okay so firstly in order to create these rings I thought I would use Paint because it is a program which I have been familiar with since ages. But before I began painting I first thought that I would find the advantages and disadvantages of using Inkscape and I found this:

The vector graphics produced are easily scaled. This means although the images are grouped together, each element is still able to maintain its own identity and can be selected and manipulated independtly of the others.
Any element can also be resized smaller or larger in an instant.
It is specifically designed for drawing.
It contains many useful features such as markers, clones and alpha bending.
There are many tutorials available on their website if help is required.
There are many shortcuts to perform tasks.
It provides customisation.

Most computers reuqire bitmap images in order to be printed. This means that the images produced by this program must first be converted into a bitmap image.

Despite Inkscape having so many advantages I felt that paint would still be a better option because Inkscape is something that wouldn't allow me to easily overlap the rings or rub out particular lines. Therefore I choose my original option.

Then I began with Paint:
Personally I felt that paint was a much more better program to produce these set of Olympic Rings because they allowed me to create the correct overlaping of the circles as opposed to Inkscape. However while producing these rings I struggled on how I would make them overlap each other but I overcame this simply by erasing some areas in which I felt the colour needed to be changed. After erasing those spots I then painted in the correct colours which should of been overlaping there.

 I then found some advantages and disadvantages of paint which also helped me consider which program I should make these rings with:

It supports popular image files like JPEG and GIF. They have a variety of standards for their images.
It allows to rotate, resize and merge images.
It has a convenient text tool which allows you to place text over images.
Its an easy and simple software to use.
They have a finite number of colours.

Very basic editing capablilities
Only supports WINDOWS
Does not support transperacy, filters or layers.
There is no smudge tool, which allows you to blend two different colours.
Their colour bitmaps require three times more storage in order to represent the shades of red, green and blue.
The bitmapped images which they create are typically larger than their vector counterpart. That is because storage for each pixel is required whether it is part of the object or the background.

Here is my final result after I finally established on how to make these rings overlap correctly & the advantages and disadvantages of the many programs listed above:

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