New Terms relating to Audio Files

Stereo- This can mean a stereoscopic photograph or a sterophonic sound reproduction.
Channel- to convey through or as through a channel
Track- A path, route or course
Frequency- the number of periods or regularly occurring events of any given kind in unit of time, usually in one second.
Hertz- the SI unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second
Decibel-  a unit of power ratio, the number of units being equal to a constant times the logarithm to the base 10 of the intensities of two sources.
Wav- A sound format developed by Microsoft and used extensively in Microsoft Windows
 Mp3- the file extension for MPEG Audio Layer-3, a set of standards for compressing and downloading audio files from the internet.
Audio IFF-format developed by Apple Computer Inc. for storing high-quality digital audio and musical instrument information.