Installing Audacity

A)What is a portable application
A potable app is a computer software which is independent and is about to run without the need of installing files to the system it is run upon. These types of software applications are most commonly used on removable storage devices such as CD, USB flash drive, flash card or even a floppy disk.

B)the advantages of portable applications
  • They are convenient to use and take around.
  • They dont take up much disk space.
  • And its also free :)!

C) The types of software available as portable applications.
These are the types of software available which are portable as sourced from, below are also the dates of the day these softwares were realesed.

May 07 Notepad2-mod
May 07 Miranda IM 0.9.21
May 07 qBittorrent 2.7.3 Rev 2
May 07 Iron 11.0.700.2
May 07 Listary 3.2.490
May 07 Evince 2.32.0
May 07 Scorched 3D 43.2a Rev 2
May 07 Finance Explorer 5.1.1
May 07 Task Coach 1.2.17
May 06 Google Chrome 11 Stable
May 06 Atomic Tanks 4.9
Apr 29 RedNotebook 1.1.4 Rev 2
Apr 29 jPortable 6 Update 25
Apr 29 Notepad2-mod
Apr 29 SeaMonkey 2.0.14